
API layer for the web, organize your api requests nicely.

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Instead of repeating api requests everywhere in your SPA, a maintainable model layer for backend’s api service seems more reasonable. Web-model has many useful features: request/response guards, request caching(web storage), singleton request, and more to come. Web-model rely superagent as ajax tool.

Request lifecycle: request -> Model.beforeEach -> instance.beforeEach -> (requesting) -> response -> Model.afterEach -> instance.afterEach -> handler


Suppose we have a Restful API resource: ‘https://www.xxxx.com/apple’, organize all related requests inside one appleModel.js with Web-model:

import Model from 'web-model';
export default new Model({
    base: 'https://xxx.xxxx.com',
    api: {
        getApples() {
            return this.request.get('/apple')
        getApple(id) {
            return this.request.get('/apple/' + id)
        saveApple(apple) {
            return this.request.post('/apple').send(apple)
        updateApple(apple) {
            return this.request.put('/apple/' + id).send(apple)
        deleteApple(id) {
            return this.request.del('/apple/' + id)

then use the model instance wherever an apple-resource request needed:

import appleModel from './path/to/appleModel.js'
// ...
appleModel.getApples().then(({body: {apples}}) => {
    console.log('all my apples are here: ', apples);
// etc.


1. Superagent API

check superagent’s docs first.

2. Static methods

import Model from 'web-model'


    // url prefix
    base: String,
    // public request guard
    beforeEach(next) {
         *  1. this bind to current request object
         *  2. call next(falsy), break the request:
         *  3. call next() or next(truthy), continue the request:
    // public response guard
    afterEach(err, res) {
         *  1. this bind to current request object
         *  2. (err, res) come from superagent's repsonse

3. Constructor

// inside xxxModel.js
import Model from 'web-model'

export default new Model({

    // instance specific url prefix, override public url prefix
    base: String,
    // instance specific request guard
    beforeEach(next) {
         *  1. this bind to current request object
         *  2. call next(falsy), break the request:
         *  3. call next() or next(truthy), continue the request:
    // instance specific response guard
    afterEach(err, res) {
         *  1. this bind to current request object
         *  2. (err, res) come from superagent's response
    // request method examples
    api: {
         * @return {Promise}
        xxxRequest() {
             *  1. this.request is a modified superagent

3. methods attached to superagent

  1. escape(direction) escape guards manually.

    • direction
      • ‘both’, default value, escape both request and response guards.
      • ‘before’, escape request guards.
      • ‘after’, escape response guards.
     // Example: userModel.js
     export default new Model({
         api: {
             login(user) {
                     .escape()   // escape('both') or escape('before') or escape('after')
  2. cache(minutes, useSessionStorage) cache a GET or HEAD request

    • minutes cache valid duration in minutes.
    • useSessionStorage truthy for sessionStorage/falsy for localStorage.
     // Example: userModel.js
     export default new Model({
         api: {
             getUser(id) {
                 return this.request
                     .get('/' + id)      
                     .cache(30, true)    // 30 minutes' cache in sessionStorage
                     // .cache(30)       // 30 minutes' cache in localStorage
  3. singleton() mark a request as singleton

    this means only one request can be in process at the same time, previous request will be aborted.

     // Example: userModel.js
     export default new Model({
         api: {
            superComplicatedQuery(id, query) {
                return this.request